Thursday, November 18, 2010


आडनाव - आपल्या नावाच्या शेवटी येणारे हे आडनाव फार चमत्कारिक असते। काहींचे त्यांच्या व्यवसायावरून तर काहींचे वर्णावरून , तर काहींच्या आडनावांना काही अर्थच नसतो. चमत्कारिक अर्थ लावलेली ही काही आडनावे....

1. Gardenner - MAALI - माळी
2. Stenographer - TIPNIS - टिपणिस
3. Goldsmith - SONAR - सोनार
4. Priest - PUJARI - पुजारी
5. Sweeper - ZADE / ZADGAONKAR - झाडे / झाडगावकर
6. Smoker - DHURI - धुरी
7. Milkman - GAWALI - गवळी
8. Roadside Contractor - MUKADAM - मुकादम

9. Royal / King's Family - RAAJE - राजे
10. Drawing Maker - CHITRE - चित्रे
11. Umbrella Maker - CHHATRE - छत्रे
12. Money Spender - KHARCHE - खर्चे
13. Pot Maker - MATKARI - मतकरी
14. Foreigner - PARDESHI - परदेशी
15. Bakery owner - PAWGI /BUNKAR - पावगी / बनकर
16. One with tailoring shop - SHIWDE / SHIMPI - शिवडे / शिंपी
17. Jeweller - RATNAPARAKHI - रत्नपारखी
18. Building constructor - AADEKAR/MAHALE - आडेकर / महाले
19. Lamp factory Owner - DIVEKAR - दिवेकर
20. Cotton mill owner - KAPSE /RUIKAR - कापसे / रुईकर
21. Silver mine owner - CHANDEKAR - चांदेकर

22. One who only takes - LELE - लेले
23. One who always says 'take away' - NENE - नेने
24. Maharashtrian Bill Gates - BAL PHATAK - बाळ फाटक
25. Maharashtrian Mouse - BAL POKHARKAR - बाळ पोखरकर
26. Neil Armstrong - NEELESH BHUJBAL - निलेश भुजबळ
27. One with K on his head - SHIRKE - शिर्के
28. Narasimha Avtar - POTPHODE - पोटफोडे
29. One with stomach problem - POTDUKHE -पोटदुखे
30. One with weight of 100 tonnes - SOMAN - सोमण

31. One who is brave - WAGH /VEERKAR - वाघ / वीरकर
32. Tiger Catcher - WAGHDHARE - वाघमारे

33. Tiger Killer - WAGHMARE - वाघधरे
34. With the face of Cow - GAITONDE - गायतोंडे
35. From Fox family - KOLHE - कोल्हे
. From Wolf family - LANDAGE - गोडबोले
37. One who is real cat - MANJAREKAR - मांजरेकर
38. One who lives in village - GAONKAR - गावकर
39. One who only take money - DAMLE - दामले
40. One who is untidy - GABALE - गबाळे

41. One who eats more - DHOLE/DHAMDHERE - ढोले / ढमढेरे
42. One who works very cool - KULKARNI - कुलकर्णी

43. One who is coward - PULEKAR - पुळेकर
44. One who reaches the root - MULEY - मुळे
45. One who is 1000 times more intellegent- SAHASRABUDHHE - सहस्त्रबुद्धे
46. One who divides by 2 - NIMKAR - निमकर
47. One who kills - MARANE - मारणे
48. One who Sleeps a lot - ZOPE - झोपे
49. Do die do - KARMARKAR - करमरकर

50. One who twists - PILGAONKAR- पिळगावकर
51. The God - DEO/DEO-kule - देव / देवकुळे
52. Big old Rishi - MAHAMUNI - महामुनी
53. One who always wins - JAYKAR - जयकर

54. One who talks a lot - MAHASHABDE - महाशब्दे
55. One who doesn't talk - GOOPCHOOP - गुपचुप
56. Talkative - BADBADE - बडबडे

57. Sweet Talker - GODBOLE - सहमते
58. One who never Listens - NAIK - नाईक
59. One who is always on Strike - HARTALKAR - हरताळकर
60. One who always makes the job hard - HARDIKAR - हर्डीकर
61. One who builds temples - DEVALEKAR - देवळेकर
62. One who runs away - BHAGWAT - भागवत

63. One who breaks everything - KHANDEKAR - खांडेकर
64. One who blackens everything - KAJALE - काजळे
65. One who is father - BAPAT - बापट

66. One who lives in Clouds - DHAGE - ढगे
67. One who is from Leaf - PANASE - पानसे
68. One who agrees with everyone - SAHAMATE - सहमते
69. One who always go to varanasi - KASHIKAR - काशीकर
70. One who is very sweat - GODSE - गोडसे
71. Bitter person - KADU - कडू

72. Its okay - BARWE - बर्वे
73. One who thinks - VICHAARE - विचारे
74. One who is wise - SHAHANE - शहाणे

75. One who is close to everyone - JAWALKAR - जवळकर
76. One who is bald - TAKLE - टकले
77. One who only thinks of curd rice - DAHIBHATHE - दहीभाते
78. Mango man - AAMBEKAR - आंबेकर
79. One who Eats only Carrots - GAAJARE - गाजरे

80. One who eats only Snake Gourd - PADVAL - पडवळ

Colourful maharashtrians
81. - KALE - काळे
82.- GORE - गोरे
83. - HIRWE - हिरवे
84. - KALBHOR - काळभोर
85. - PIWALE - पिवळे
86. - DHAWLE - धवले

Some Metallic Maharashtrians
87. - PITALE - पितळे
88. - TAMBE - तांबे
89. - LOKHANDE - लोखंडे
90. - SONE
- सोने

91. One who has by hearted Vedas - VEDPATHAK - वेदपाठक
92. One who troubles whole world - JAGTAP - जगताप
93. One who is Mad - PISAAT - पिसाट
94. One who divides - BHEDE - भेदे
95. House Breaker - GHARPHODE - घरफोडे
96. Head Breaker - DOIPHODE - डोईफोडे
97. Bed Breaker - KHATMODE - खातमोडे
98. Ear Breaker - KANPHODE - कानफोडे
99. One who is always in work - KAMAT - कामत
100. One who has five sons - PACHPUTE - पाचपुते
101. One who has twenty sons - VISPUTE - विसपुते


  1. Many times people don't know the meaning of surname associated with name. Its good you have given here a list of Marathi surnames with meaning. This is another list of surnames with meaning :

  2. Dhuri Doesn't Mean A Smoker
    For Humour Its Ok
    But Dhuri Means Centrifugal Force

  3. Dhuri Doesn't Mean A Smoker
    For Humour Its Ok
    But Dhuri Means Centrifugal Force

  4. The meanings of the surnames are very funny!

  5. Replies
    1. The one who left the Bar. LoL

  6. Replies
    1. My surname is also dabre

    2. My also are you hindu Lingayat

  7. My surname banode means 'arrow pullers'
    Further, you've also forgotten to add
    Kanfade- Those who tear ears.
    Kantode- Those who break ears.
    Naktode- Those who break noses.
    Jibhkate- Those who cut tongues.

  8. Gaikwad- the one who have singers
    Pandit- the who have most knowledge
    Aswade- the one who have tasteless
    Kokare- the one who have coke
    Parhar- the who been Avoidance
    Adgale- the one who have useless
    Maradkar- the one who is beater
    Limkar- the one who has lime business
    Yamgar- the one who is friend with Yama god.

  9. Potphode surme caste

  10. I want meaning of dhawan , wandre , tamasange,

  11. गंम्मत म्हणून जर ही यादी तयार केली असेल तर ठीक, नाहीतर अत्यंत थुकरट माहिती आहे.

  12. Mahamuni {sonar} kuldayvat kay aahe

  13. Can anyone tell the meaning of surname BAWANKAR

  14. My Name Is Virajit Raane Khan I'm bald Marathi Man Not working yet But Searching for vacancy in private software companies instead doing career in mechanical bullshit

  15. भराटे surname?

  16. There are also a lot of Kars.
    I'm Vatturkar
    there is pandharpurkar, Punekar, etc. from practically every village
